about page by clicking here.
Here are the opening hours for the coming weeks:
For the latest news or events, make sure to check out our Instagram
You can use any of our tools and do whatever you need to do with your bike.
If you are not sure how to repair it, we can guide you through it.
If you need to replace a part, we might have some that we scanvanged or were donated. No guarantee though!
You can find us at Folketspark, in a container next to Folketshus
The address is:
Stengade 50
2200, Nørrebro
Volunteers can come in all shapes and sizes, and in all skill-levels. We do not stand here as experts, together we enable each other to accomplish what we aim for.
If you are interested, come visit us during the opening hours and chat to some of the volunteers.
The site is being served to you via 1984 and runs on renewable energy that is connected to the normal grid as back-up.
We don’t store any information or cookies about you or your device. This site connects to two external sources to fetch data but these also don’t use cookies: